Don't Be Fooled by This Common Marketing & Publicity Myth That Is Wasting Your Money
Radostina Boseva Photography | creative direction & styling by us
It’s time to rethink your effort to get featured, to get people to see your ads, and to get on the 1st page of the search results when people google something generic.
Getting as many eyeballs doesn’t lead to more sales.
Here’s one of my favorite examples:
Jennifer Aniston is an incredibly famous celebrity. She’s at every checkout at grocery stores, convenience stores, and pharmacies. But this level of publicity still doesn’t lead to tickets of her movies being sold out.
This analogy from author and entrepreneur, Seth Godin, really resonated with me.
The same goes with features in magazines, SEO and most ads we see online and on the street. It’s not that these tactics don’t work. It’s a question of whether they are actually working for YOU. Get clear on your strategy and the end goal behind these tactics.
Before you put in all the work and time to create content for another media feature submission or another ad, or before you start hitting your head against this wall of SEO again, ask the following questions:
What’s my goal to get on this publication?
What’s my goal to rank at the top of Google when people search for generic keywords like “business coach”, “photographer”, “logo design”, “florist in San Francisco”, etc.?
Will this tactic of getting my name out there lead to direct sales? If so, do I have the numbers to support this?
Will this tactic get my name out there? If so, why do I need as many people as possible to know me?
With these publicity tactics, what value is it truly adding to my business?
Who are on the receiving end? Are they the people I want to be serving? Will they know my value enough to pay my price immediately? Or are they window shoppers? Price shoppers?
Am I speaking to the right crowd with these tactics?
Well, you get the gist. I’m not saying that these publicity tactics don’t work. But when you don’t have unlimited resources, it’s important to understand if you’re doing marketing to get as many eyeballs as possible and shouting into the void, or if you’re doing marketing to grow the number of people who value you and who would say YES to your offers.
These tactics work if you have a clear goal in mind and that you can quantify the results. Otherwise, your time is better spent on other types of marketing!
Get clear on what type of business you’re running and who your target audience and your niche are. And focus on increasing the effectiveness of your marketing, which would allow you to reach and help more people who are your target audience, who value what you do and are happy to say yes to you offer!
How about Public Relations, you ask? It is a different concept from publicity, and it’s an act of fostering relationships for business growth. Let’s save this topic for another post!
Want to know you can serve your people better? Here are the Top 10 High Performing Content Marketing that helps you nurture your audience.
Looking to figure out who is your niche? Here’s a 3-step formula for you to define your niche.
Ready to create a brand around your business and attract your dream clients? Here’s the 3 biggest differences between a brand vs. a business, and how you can take your business to the next level now!
If you’re ready to try a more intentional and effective way to spread the word about what you do, don’t forget to Join us over at our FB group and watch this week’s training on “For The Intentional Business Owners, Who Are Looking For A New Powerful Way Of Marketing”.
Don’t forget to grab your seat at our FREE training, so you know how to grow your profitable brand people love AND a loyal customer community who keep buying from you!