Help women entrepreneurs become their customers' go-to.

Are you doing it all and wearing all the hats in your business? We got you!

We’re your business besties who…

make marketing & brand strategy simple for you.

你現在正一手包辦所有 事業品牌大小事嗎? 讓我們來幫忙!我們也是你的創業好姐妹



We help busy women business owners (like you) become the “go-to” in their markets

— by teaching them how to grow a customer-attracting brand online and keep scaling their businesses along with a loyal, ready-to-yes audience.

We love geeking out about…

all things marketing, brand strategy, and supporting women to turn their ideas into fulfilling careers and successful businesses — that they’re proud of!

“Growing by lifting others” is our thing.

That’s why you see so many awesome free resources from us! We’re serious about showing up and working alongside you and all the other amazing women who are ready for more freedom and living life on their own terms!










trusted by & seen in 合作夥伴

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What are you doing down here?

get these surprisingly simple insider tips to boost your growth, for free!





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hi! we are annie & terrie

It’s frustrating not being seen by the right customers and not growing as quickly as you want.

And the lack of resources for AAPI women business owners also got us (fanatically) into helping them (maybe you too) grow a profitable business that brings more freedom than stress!

3 years later, we tripled our business and helped thousands of women grow their businesses by simplifying ONE thing

... This big, magical, and ever-growing world of online marketing!

We know how the word “marketing” can feel cringing and messy. But it doesn’t have to be.

Instead of overwhelming you, growing your business should feel fun and exciting! You just need a simplified framework and a structured plan to get there.

With 12+ years combined experience in online marketing and brand strategy, we’re here to show you how you can take back control of your business, and use marketing the smart and simple way to help you rev up your business!

It’s your turn to become the “go-to” in your market.

Are you ready to keep attracting “the right people”, and grow your audience along with your business?


hi! 我們是創業姐妹 annie & terrie



三年後,我們的業績有了三倍的成長, 也幫了幾千位女創業者建立了他們愛的事業和品牌。 我們的秘密武器,就是把這一個感覺龐大,但效果驚人的東西變簡單...

… 就是網路行銷!



與其壓得你喘不過氣來,行銷和經營品牌應該要是讓你覺得興奮有盼望的事! 要達到你想要的目標,你絕對做得到,你只差了擁有一個簡單的系統和清楚的執行計畫而已。

用我們共有超過12年在行銷和品牌經營的經驗,在這裡帶你 一起把你事業掌控權拿回來,讓你學會如何聰明有效的用網路行銷來倍增你的成長。



