3 Must-Have Tools You Can't Miss To Make Jaw-Dropping Progress In A Week
photo credit: Claire Xu | creative direction & styling by us
Guys! We only got 3 last months in 2019, let’s make the most out of it.
2019 has been a HUGE year for us over here at Olea & Fig as we’ve been focusing on streamlining processes, hiring and scaling. I know how crazy life can get as a business owner and entrepreneur, and the struggle of juggling way too many balls in the air. I also know how suffocating it feels when your work leaves no room for yourself and for this thing called life.
Feeling like you’re doing ALL THE THINGS and never have enough time? Tired of always trying to catch up on your end-less to-do list? Feeling stressed about never having enough time to finish everything that needs to be done in your business?
This is why we put together this list to help you get your time back AND achieve massive results in your business! I’m happy to say that we have not let our work get in the way of living the life we want in the last 2 years.
Guess what was the needle mover for us?
We stopped making daily to-do lists.
How do you get things done without a list, you asked? We look at our strategy, goals, and to-do’s all by the year and by each quarter, and then plan out all the major and minor projects by month and week. Never by day.
A daily to-do list is a no no for us. Especially how we review and track progress and results.
Instead, we focus on these 3 tools:
1. The Not-To-Do List:
This list will help you find the things you should NOT be spending time on and help you either automate them, delegate them or eliminate them! What actions and what things do you spend time on that don’t serve growth, greater income, empowerment, your higher power, your family or a bigger future?
2. Task Batching Schedule
Have a schedule that outlines your typical week by batching all the tasks you do (i.e. updating websites, design, meetings with clients, making your products, writing emails, creating content, etc.).
3. Prioritization Tool
Take a step back and assess all the tasks and projects you’re busy doing now. Do they align with your personal goal? Are they adding value to you, your business growth and your community? Are they making money?
Terrie and I plan on making massive progress to finish our 2019 strong, and I want to share our top 7 tips, including the templates for these 3 productivity tools, that have helped tripling our action and results year after year!
Click here to access this free resource: 7 Ways To 5X Your Productivity & Get Massive Results
With these 7 major productivity tips & tools, you’ll be able to get things done more effectively and make sure your business is growing constantly!
Now, get ready to take action and get massive results!
Don’t forget to grab your seat at our FREE training, so you know how to grow your profitable brand people love AND a loyal customer community who keep buying from you!