3 Surprisingly Easy Ways (That Work Every Time) to Find Killer Content Ideas Your Audience Craves

brand direction & styling by us for Chairs & Cups | photo by Comeplum

brand direction & styling by us for Chairs & Cups | photo by Comeplum

Want to know the secret to how we come up with so many content ideas week after week? Content Marketing is what drives and generates the most leads for our business. Our online community finds our weekly newsletter valuable, and many say that it is the one email they look forward to getting every week! We include lots of juicy tips and strategy in every email, and we lead them to our weekly blog posts, and sometimes video training and exclusive interviews. 

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So, how do we come up with so many content ideas that our audience loves and craves for? Here are our top 3 favorite ways to find new content ideas that work:

#1 Find out what other people are sharing

Search for what other people in your space are sharing and talking about, and what questions they are answering. Google, Pinterest, and Youtube are great places for these searches. Simply type “how to [the topic that is relevant for you]” or directly type in the topic of your expertise. Here’s a tip, pay attention to the dropdown when you enter the keywords as you can see what people are searching for related to your market.

You could also join the newsletter of people in your space, or follow them online, and do your market research by learning what they are sharing. Remember to respect people’s copyright and do not copy and paste what they shared. Use this method as a way to educate yourself on what your peers who share a similar target audience as you are sharing, and what seems to be resonating with their audience.

#2 Ask your audience

Send out a survey via email or run a poll on Instagram, Facebook, or whichever social media you’re using, and ask them what questions they have about your products or services. If you don’t have a following or audience yet, don’t worry. You can still ask around and send out a survey to people in your network who are your target audience and whose responses would be very helpful, too. 

Our favorite survey tool is SurveyMonkey because it’s easy to use and free. If you’re looking for surveys with beautiful designs, Typeform is a great choice. Besides surveys, phone calls, or interviews online or over coffee are also effective ways to understand and gather what key questions people have!

#3 Check your inbox

You’d be surprised, but you might already have a queue of great content ideas sitting in your inbox. These are the frequently asked questions you get from people through emails, direct messages, or comments on social media. If someone has a question, chances are, there are more than 1 person out there who have a similar question. Sift through the messages, comments, and emails you received, copy, and organize these questions, and you have a queue of content ideas lined up.

A great way to get these questions is to join relevant Facebook Groups or other online communities where your target audience is, and find out what people are interested in and are talking about there inside these groups.

Looking for ways to connect with your audience better? Click here to read the 5 ways to connect with them and increase engagement.

Now that you got a list of great and relevant content ideas, click here to get our 3-step formula to creating content that converts consistently.

Ready to drive sales and grow your business? Click here to learn the 8 ways to grow your brand on social media and turn followers into paying customers.

Don’t forget to grab your seat at our FREE training, so you know how to grow your profitable brand people love AND a loyal customer community who keep buying from you!