Tired of Getting Side-Tracked? Try These 7 Unbelievably Simple Routines to Power-Up Your Focus & Minimize Distractions

brand direction & styling by us for Blooming Wed | photo by Michele Lee Photo

brand direction & styling by us for Blooming Wed | photo by Michele Lee Photo


Making impactful and meaningful progress doesn’t always require setting big goals and big plans. Instead, we can achieve results and make progress through simple changes that help us stay focused and distraction-free. These changes are easily incorporated into your daily routine, and they help set you up for a highly-focused and productive day.

Like what James Clear wrote in his book, Atomic Habits,

It’s only by making the fundamentals of life easier that you can create the mental space needed for free thinking and creativity.

To create more time and space for you to do what is truly important and move the needle in your business, we need to design our day, schedule, and environment in such a way that we are set up for a successful day.

If you find yourself struggling with distractions at work and getting sidetracked, here are 7 simple routines you can start right away to help you have a focused and productive day:

#1 Make Your Bed

You may wonder, “what does this have to do with my work?” It doesn’t, technically. But through the action of making your bed, you trigger the part of your brain that makes you feel great about starting your day right, and subconsciously switch on your “productive mode.”

#2 Get Dressed

Now that many of us are working from home, it’s easy to stay in our pajamas and sweats. However, when you wear something that makes you feel confident, you show up more confidently at work. On the days when we are teaching or speaking live online, or recording training for our students and members, we would even put on our favorite clothes and perfume to help bring our best self for our audience.

#3 Start With The Most Important Tasks

 Start your work with the three most important tasks that make the most impact on your work. Make these your highest priority of the day, and anything that comes up will be scheduled for later in the day after you’ve completed the most important tasks.

When you continue to prioritize the three most important tasks every day, you can make significant progress every day and achieve your milestones in no time.

#4 Have a Designated Space for Work

If you are working from home, make sure you have a designated area for work. Do not take work into your bedroom or onto the couch where you relax. This helps remove potential distractions that may take away your focus, and also help you get into work mode whenever you are in the designated area for work.

#5  Schedule Specific Times for Emails

Emails and messages are major distractions. Instead of answering emails throughout the day as they come into your inbox, set a few specific times later in the day when you will be replying to emails and messages. By batching the task of answering emails together and get them done during certain times of the day, you create more time for you to focus on those most important tasks of the day.

#6 Take 15-minute Breaks

Give yourself the break your brain and body need to reset and refresh throughout the day. Schedule a short break away from your desk, and take a walk or do some stretches, so you can come back to work after every break more energized and with a clearer and sharper mind.

#7 Have a Nighttime Wind-Down Routine

Take this a step further. Set yourself up for a successful next day by making sure that your mind and body are well-rested and refreshed. Block out 15 to 30 minutes before bed to wind down by doing things that bring you calmness and relaxation, such as drinking herbal tea, going through your skincare routine, meditating, or doing bedtime stretches.

Get started today, and get ready for a refreshed, focused, and productive day!

If you are looking for tips to manage your time better, click here and read Top 7 Time Management Tips You Can Start Right Away.

Looking for ways to make this your best year yet? Read this post and learn how to make this a transformational year for you!

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Feeling overwhelmed? Click here and learn how to prioritize effectively with 3 simple steps, so you can focus on what brings you the most success and results! 

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