Don't Want to Pay Ads? Try These 3 Foolproof Ideas Instead To Triple Your Brand Awareness & Exposure

brand direction & styling by us for The Bold Collaborative | photo by Comeplum

brand direction & styling by us for The Bold Collaborative | photo by Comeplum

With all the online tools we have today, there are many creative ways to grow a brand without having to pay for a single ad!

We didn’t use any ad to gain clients or grow our community in our first 2 years, and we grew our brand across different cities around the world only through organic marketing and branding. We got 5 magazine features in our first 8 months, and grew our online community to more than 8k women entrepreneurs across the world by the end of our 1st year in business. We experimented with so many different combinations of tactics and strategies and found the ones that worked for our business! Click here to learn the 3 crucial things to know when selecting the marketing tactics that are perfect for your business.

After having implemented many different tactics and strategies for ourselves and for other women entrepreneurs, here are our 3 top favorite ways that you can implement right away, so you can plan for your next steps to start increasing brand awareness, especially among your target audience, and grow quality leads.

#1 Get Your People To Share About You

What’s more powerful than having your target audience tell other people like them, a.k.a. your target audience and dream customers, about you? Giveaways and online challenges are common examples. When you are running these tactics, make sure to include the rule to ask people to tag their friends who would also enjoy this contest so you can maximize the results and impact of your giveaway or online challenge.

#2 Guest Content

Come up with ways that you can add value to your audience through content and sharing your knowledge in what you do. Consider guest blog posts, joint webinar, joint IG or FB live interview, podcast interview, or IG account takeover with partners who share the same target audience as you. These are all examples of joint marketing which allows you to show up right in front of the people you want to reach! Keep in mind that the key to success for this tactic is that the audience of the partners you choose should be the same or very similar to your target audience. Otherwise, you’re simply growing an audience who aren’t quality leads nor engaging followers or subscribers, which doesn’t add any value to your business.

#3 Referral Marketing

Word of mouth marketing through the right people is still one of the most powerful marketing strategies. With existing customers, create referral programs to provide incentives for them to tell their friends and family about you. Click here to learn how you can build and grow a loyal customer base.

With partners who share a similar audience as you and who offer complementary products or services to yours, build referral partnerships to add more value to the people you serve and bring awareness to each other. With this type of partnerships, you not only have the power to provide a more holistic customer experience, you also have the opportunity to drive traffic to each other and utilize marketing synergy together!

There you have it, the 3 creative ways to multiply marketing and brand awareness without paying for ads! Pick one and give it a try. It’s time to let more people who would benefit from what you do know about you!

Wanting to know what it takes to build  a brand that stands out from the crowd, click here to learn all of our best secrets in building our own brand and hundreds of others.

If you’re not seeing the growth you expect with your existing beautiful brand, click here to read why pretty brands don’t grow your business.

Don’t forget to grab your seat at our FREE training, so you know how to grow your profitable brand people love AND a loyal customer community who keep buying from you!