How to Follow Up with Someone Who's Not Getting Back to You

women entrepreneur business owner writing email to follow up with prospective customer

We’ve all been there – You replied to an inquiry but received no response. You are anxious to follow up but you don’t want to sound desperate. You want to seem professional but not boring with a cookie-cutter email. You want to leave a great impression and keep impressing the prospect, so he or she will want to move forward and buy from you or work with you. You want to turn this lead into a customer.

Even if she has decided to work with someone else, you want to know that for sure so you can move on to other leads or focus on other important tasks in your business. And if it turns out that this isn’t the best time for her to hire you or buy from you, you want to keep connecting with her so that you are the first person that comes to her mind when she needs what you sell next time.

You want to follow up and turn this lead into a customer. But how?

Following up with a prospect can be tricky. Want to know how to write an email to follow up after receiving no response?

Here are the must-dos to write an effective follow-up email to get a reply:

#1 Make your follow-up email personal

Reference your previous conversation and include a tip or a freebie, such as an URL to an article, PDF, video, blog post, etc., that is relevant to her. Provide resources that offer helpful mindset shifts or quick solutions specific to any challenge, headache, or question she raised during your last call. Making her feel heard and proactively offering useful resources boost trust.

#2 Include social proof in your follow-up email

Include social proof to build credibility. Add a link to testimonials or reviews from your past customers. 

Nearly nine out of ten consumers read reviews before making a purchase. (2021, Lin)

Tip: An effective and powerful testimonial should also describe any specific reason or headache that the customer was facing before buying from you or working with you, how your product or you helped solve the problem, and how what you sell is making a difference for the customer.

Want to learn other ways to unleash the power of those reviews and testimonials? Click here and get the 6 simple ways to use social proof to instantly power up your marketing.

#3 Offer support to your recipient

Make her feel that you are around to answer any questions she has, and maintain a positive and supportive tone. This is your chance to boost likeability and build trust. It’s also your opportunity to understand her needs and any doubts or fears that are holding her back, so you can help address them and remove these obstacles for her before saying “Yes!” to you.

#4 Include media feature in your email

Add URLs to any media feature at the end of your email or in your signature that may interest this recipient. People often see magazines and blogs as industry experts or thought leaders, and they take recommendations from the press as validation. So, effective press mentions help build credibility and authority, especially to prospects.

#5 State a clear call-to-action at the end fo your email

Finish up the email with clear next steps, and let her know what action you wish her to take next. Life and work can get busy and even chaotic for many people. If she can’t make up her mind or if she’s delaying her decision out of procrastination, a strong call-to-action (CTA) telling her how to take the next step not only reminds her, but also encourages her to do exactly that.

#6 Keep your follow-up email short and concise

Keep the email simple and concise. Break up long paragraphs and use simple language to make your email easy to skim and read through. This makes reading and responding to your emails more pleasant, which improves your recipient’s overall experience with you!

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Lin, Ying. “10 Online Review Statistics You Need to Know in 2021 - Oberlo.”, 4 July 2021, Accessed 28 Feb. 2022.