How To Build A Magnetic Brand That People Desire Without Losing Your Authentic Vision

collaboration with Happily Ever Style | photo credit: Kylee Yee Photography | creative direction & styling by us

collaboration with Happily Ever Style | photo credit: Kylee Yee Photography | creative direction & styling by us

In our latest work brand development work for a clothing label and a physical therapy clinic, both of our clients, who are the founders of these 2 businesses, had a huge lightbulb moment and breakthroughs just last week.

These huge ah-ha moments happened specifically during our conversations and exercises on defining and creating their brands. 

Just like most entrepreneurs and business owners we met, they both ran into the common dilemma -

  • How do I create a brand that represents me but also incorporates what my target audience like?

  • How can I stay authentic but also attracting target audience?

  • How do I pick between what expresses me vs. what people like?

  • Can I actually have a brand that represents me AND attracts my dream customers?

Here’s the good news. Yes, you absolutely can have a brand that expresses YOU authentically while also attracting your dream customers.

Here’s how -

Your target audience is and should be a form of you; they may be the old you, the current you, the future you, or they may be people who you connect with deeply because of a personal experience.

You started your business because you’re trying to make changes happen. Through what you do, either your product or service, you’re giving your target audience what they want and need to achieve the transformation they want.

By connecting YOU and your target audience, your work on building your brand and marketing would be much easier and much more effective!

When you use this close connection with your target audience, you can get into their minds, understand their desires and pain, and speak their language! Also check out our 3-Step Formula to Identify Your Niche to define your target audience further!

By connecting you and your target audience on a personal level, you will have the power to build a brand that is authentic to you and also attract your target audience. There should NOT be any compromise.

It doesn’t matter if you are offering products or services, you are in the business to create a brand that people truly feel a connection with, are willing to come back for, and talk about with other people.

Now, I want you to find that connection between you and your target audience. Make time, find a quiet space, and ask these questions:

  • Why did I start my business?

  • Did I, at some point, share the same headaches, challenges, and desire as the people I serve?

  • If not, is there someone close to me that share the same headaches, challenges, and desire as the people I serve?

  • Going through those headaches and challenges, what was it like? How did that feel?

  • What changes or transformation am I giving people through my business?

To help you dive even deeper and create a brand that your people are attracted to, make sure you’ve done this Brand Reality Check and get clear on what it is that you’re selling and offering people as you build your brand!

Still confused about what it takes to create a brand? Click here and access the Complete Brand Strategy Checklist.

And if you’re still feeling not so sure about the journey you’re on or whether or not YOU can create the business of your dreams, click here to read how you can Overcome Insecurity, Doubt & Fear in Your Business.

Don’t forget to grab your seat at our FREE training, so you know how to grow your profitable brand people love AND a loyal customer community who keep buying from you!


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