6 Things You Need on Your Website to Make People Want to Hit The "Buy" Or "Contact" Button!


If you’re running ads to strangers on something you sell, stop and read this first, because you might be missing a step.

Would you marry a stranger you just met? Probably not. The same thing goes with your business. When you run ads to sell something to someone who doesn’t know you at all, the chance of turning the person into a paying customer is extremely small, because the person doesn’t trust your brand enough to hand over their money.

It all comes down to building trust.

How do you build trust? Create a great experience for people who get in contact with your business. Use their experience with you to turn strangers into people who are interested in following you along, then turn them into paying customers.

Instead of spending ads on asking strangers to hand you their money, here are the 6 proven ways to convert visitors into customers -

#1 Clear Messaging

Know who you’re serving, and tell them clearly that you specialize in helping them. When your target audience lands on your website, they need to know you ARE the one to help them, how your offer is different from other people, and that your services or products will get them the results, solutions and transformation they want. Make your marketing message (or pitch) clear, simple, and obvious. 

Click here to learn our 3-step system to define your niche, and click here to learn the myth of differentiation and how you can truly stand out, so you can create a clear marketing message that resonates with your target audience.

#2 Share Your Passion & Your Why’s

When asking people to commit to our offer and hit purchase, we need to show the same level of commitment. On your website, tell people why you are doing what you’re doing, and why you think what you do benefit your people. Your About Page should focus on building trust and connection with the person viewing it, and it shouldn’t look like another cookie-cutter bio. Instead of focusing on you or, your likes and dislikes, share information about you that make people feel emotionally connected to you. Human to human. Make it personal, and focus on what people want to learn about you to arrive to the conclusion that they should purchase from you.

Click here to learn the secret of building a client-attracting brand without losing authenticity.

#3 Add Value First

To start gaining trust, you need to add value first. When they land on your site, guide them to where they can experience more value from you. This may be your blog, resources page, podcast station, training videos, free trial or free samples. If people can already experience the value you add with $0, they would be curious to learn how else you can help them.

Click here to learn the 10 high-performing types of content marketing, so you can start adding value to them upfront.

#4 Make It Simple & Intuitive

Strategize the layout of your website so it doesn’t overwhelm your viewers. Make it intuitive to browse through. Is your messaging clear and obvious? Do people know what you do? Do people know how to order or book? Make your navigation intuitive so people know where to go to get the information they are looking for, and categorize your products or services clearly. Make sure you have a call-to-action button on every single page, so you leave no dead-end for your viewer, and you’re always leading them to another place where you can add more value to them and continue to build trust.

Click here to learn how to communicate what you do clearly to promote your brand.

#5 Show Social Proof

Include people’s review, comments and testimonial with your services or products. To strengthen trust, your page viewers need to know that other people like them have made the decision to purchase and they have received the results as you’re promising. We like to feel reassured with purchases, and adding social proof is a great way to build that reassurance

#6 Invite Them To Join In

Now that this stranger who’s browsing your website is interested in maybe buying from you, but not yet. With all of the above, you just made a great first impression, but you still need to warm up the relationship before this person will commit to purchasing. You need to keep building trust in the coming days or months to turn this person into a paying customer, and keep fostering your relationship in the coming years to bring them back and tell other people about you. To cultivate this lead, someone who’s interested in what you do, invite them to where you can keep adding value to them on an ongoing basis. This may be newsletter sign up, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter, or wherever you are running content marketing to continue to grow and engage your audience.

Invite this person to join your tribe so you can keep engaging with them. When you have an offer, a new product or service, people in your community will be the first ones to know. They are the ones who already trust you, and they are the people who will likely to say yes to buy from you.

Click here to learn the powerful modern way of marketing your business: Permission Marketing.

Now that they are in your tribe, click here to learn the 3 essentials to build and keep growing your loyal customer base.

Don’t forget to grab your seat at our FREE training, so you know how to grow your profitable brand people love AND a loyal customer community who keep buying from you!


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