How to Create An Incredible, Jaw-Dropping Offer That People Love

women business owner take maker holding her new tea set product collection

brand direction & styling by us for How Charming Tea | photo by Mike Sung Photography

This is most entrepreneurs’ nightmare…

You spent months, or even years, preparing for that product or service you created. After you put your heart and soul into creating this offer and bringing it to life, it finally comes the big day to launch it to the world.

And then? Silence. You don’t get the response you expected because it turned out that people don’t love what you sell as much as you do.

It’s a devastating thought, and, unfortunately, this happens too often for people who are in the early stage of their business. And the reason this happens is that most entrepreneurs are so eager to make their vision happen that they create what they themselves want and what they think people need, rather than what their target customers actually want.

The good news is that you can prevent this from happening in your business, and the key is to involve your target customers across different decisions in the creation of your product or service. There are the 3 key practices to adopt so you can create an incredible, jaw-dropping offer that people love - 

#1 Ask what your target customers actually want

First, identify your target customers, or your niche, and get clear on their biggest pain points, challenges, and headaches related to what you do, and what they want most when they shop for products or services similar to yours.

Need a little help identifying your target customers? Start here and learn the 3-step foolproof formula to quickly pinpoint your niche.

Once you know who they are, show up where they are and connect with them, and find out what are some of the solutions they already have in mind that will solve their biggest challenges. You can take a step further and discover how they want this solution to be delivered - whether this should be a product or service, and if it should be subscription-based or a one-time purchase, etc.

#2 Get their input before the big launch

Ask for your target customers’ feedback on your new product or service while you’re working on refining it and adding finishing touches. This is why the practice of having beta users, or what some people call “founding members,” is common today. You can get direct input from your specific market to further improve your product or service even before it is fully complete and ready for launch.

Consider asking your beta users or founding members about their preferences and ideas on the specifics of what you sell, this may include things such as product features, product usability, service flow, communication method, payment options, etc.

If you’re ready to launch, read this post to learn how to guarantee a massively successful launch (or re-launch) & exceed your goals every time.

#3 Get in the habit of active asking & listing

After you launched your products or services, continue to request feedback from your best customers and listen to them regularly. This business practice helps you stay in touch with the market and keep up with trends within your market, so you can make additional improvements needed to keep getting happy customers and continue to exceed people’s expectations.

Keep involving your best customers as you grow your brand. Send out surveys periodically as you improve your offers and create new products and services. And continue to create offers that your people simply can’t get enough of! 

Want to learn more about how you can take your Brand Experience to the next level? Read this post and uncover the 3 secrets to wow your customers and make a spectacular impression that people can't stop talking about.

Also, learn the 3 unspoken myths of customer experience you should stop believing.

Confused about how to stand out from the crowd? Check out the 3-step proven framework to find your sweet spot.

Still searching for a brand style that sticks? Discover the hush-hush secrets of finding a brand style that your customers love

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Silver, Don. “Why Are so Many Internet Start-Up's Failing Today?” Chris Ducker, 31 Oct. 2010,