How To Instantly Conquer Your Biggest Fear As An Entrepreneur

brand direction & styling by us for How Charming Tea | photo by Mike Sung Photography

brand direction & styling by us for How Charming Tea | photo by Mike Sung Photography

Being an entrepreneur is scary.

You wonder about things like…Will people buy from me? Is my work good enough? Do I have what it takes to build a successful business? Can I really do this? What if I lose money on this? What if I fail? Do people want to hear what I have to say? Will this work?

When we fail to overcome these fears, we enter a self-doubt spiral that holds us back from reaching what we really want. And this is the last thing any entrepreneur wants.

We’ve been there ourselves. From years of experience, I learned that these fears and doubts can become extremely crippling especially when you’re trying to grow a business.

But what if I told you that there is another way? And that you could overcome your biggest fears every time? What if YOU have the power to use your fears as opportunities for positive changes?

We figured out a simple system that helps us conquer our biggest fear every time. If you want to finally face your biggest fears and overcome them, so you can remove whatever has been holding you back from moving forward, learn these 5 extremely simple steps to conquer your biggest fear -

Step 1. Describe your biggest fear

Write down what this situation looks like, and make it as specific as possible. Get clear on every detail as this helps you visualize your biggest fear better and understand what it is that you’re truly afraid of and worry about.

Step 2. Probability

How likely is this worst-case scenario going to happen? What is the chance, realistically speaking, of fear coming true? Use your best judgment to assess the risk here. Your fear might be less likely to happen than you imagined.

Step 3. Your solutions

What are your short-term fix and long-term solution if this worst-case scenario, your biggest fear, were to happen? These are your plan A and B. Mapping out your possible solutions helps assure you that there will be a way out, which may help you take the emotions out of the situation and see your options and possible choices clearer.

Step 4. Consequence of Inaction

Now, consider what will happen if you choose to not take any action and to turn away and avoid this fear? Sometimes the alternative of doing nothing about your fear may motivate you to take action instead. Imagine what your life would be like 6 months, 1 year, or 5 years from now if you choose not to face this fear.

Step 5. Decision time

Looking through your answers from Step 1 to 4 - you know what it is that you actually fear, the worst-case scenario, the risk of your fear happening, your solutions if it were to come true, and the risk of not doing anything about it - now decide, will you face this fear? Which one will you risk - the risk of taking action or that of not doing anything?

It’s time to stop the emotional snowball. Conquer your fears and gain back control of what you’re working through in your business!

Looking for more help on conquering that annoying voice of self-doubts? Check out 3 most common #fempreneur self-doubts & how to conquer them, and 5 common entrepreneur pitfalls that are holding you back from growing your business and how to fix them!

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