5 Common Entrepreneur Pitfalls That Are Holding You Back From Growing Your Business & How To Fix Them

brand direction & styling by us for Leslie Gleser | photo by Comeplum

brand direction & styling by us for Leslie Gleser | photo by Comeplum

Imagine yourself living the life and schedule you’ve always dreamed of, while your business continues to grow and customers keep coming to you…

This is what most entrepreneurs dream of. Not the 24/7 hustling lifestyle they are currently living or having their every day dictated by their long, never-ending to-do list. Now, why are most businesses not growing at the rate business owners expect? What exactly is holding them back from gaining the momentum they need to reach their next level of success and the lifestyle they want?

To avoid and remove this falling into the same trap, you must know the 5 most common pitfalls that lead entrepreneurs to be stuck on the hamster wheel of running their businesses and hold them back from opportunities and growth - 

1. Focusing on followers

Most people assume that if they have a big following, their businesses will grow and sales will naturally roll in. So, they put all their energy and marketing resources and budget on boosting follower count. However, without an effective marketing strategy to reach your target audience and turn followers into customers, even if you have a big audience, sales are not guaranteed.

This is why most influencers with a relatively huge audience online still struggle to create consistent income streams. Because having an effective marketing strategy in place that converts is key. Read this post to unveil the 5-part framework to build a killer marketing funnel that works every time.

2. Not having repeatable systems

For every internal and external process and communication, there should be a repeatable system in place to help you save time, repeat your successes, minimize errors, and scale.

To create your workflow system, start by identifying all the recurring processes you go through in your business on a regular basis. For each process, identify tasks that you can automate, combine, templatize, or eliminate to work more effectively and efficiently. If you want more hours in your day, systems are musts!

Want to get more productive? Here are 6 amazingly simple ways to effortlessly get more done in less time in your business (no complicated tech!).

3. Trying out different marketing tactics without an overall strategy

We often hear marketers and coaches telling people that they need to try different marketing tactics, follow the latest trends, and be on every social media and platform. 

Each of these marketing tactics, such as Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube, podcast, Pinterest, Twitter, and blogging, influencer marketing, are like cooking ingredients. Without a recipe, a.k.a. your overall strategy of how all these tactics fit together and work with each other, your time, energy, and focus are split into multiple directions. Therefore, it will take much longer to gain traction, and you won’t see the results you want within a reasonable timeline.

Instead, have an overall marketing strategy first, and gradually add different tactics that align with your business and customers as each starts to gain momentum. Click here to learn the never-fail formula to build your winning marketing strategy. no more second-guessing, and also learn brand vs. product marketing (advertising), which one do you need now to achieve next-level growth.

4. Marketing to everyone

When starting out, most entrepreneurs try to market to everyone and attract anyone because they are worried about leaving any possible sale on the table. But they can never gain traction precisely because they never tailored their businesses and offers enough to attract anyone.

When you don’t know your target customers, you aren’t addressing anyone’s specific challenges and desires, your marketing messages don’t resonate with people, and you aren’t selling anyone what they truly want. Therefore, you can’t gain the traction you need to reach the next-level growth in your business. Finding your target market is the cornerstone of your business! Need a little help? To start, learn the 3-step foolproof formula to quickly identify your niche.

5. Choosing perfection over action

There is no doubt that most entrepreneurs value their businesses. But because they’ve put their time, heart, and soul into their businesses, they tend to overthink and want to wait for things to be perfect.

But, just like anything you do, the longer we wait, the longer is our inaction. When nothing moves forward because we want to perfect it further, nothing happens. Perfection doesn’t exist, and it never leads to any substantial progress or results. Don’t let it hold you back. If you want to make progress, get rid of your perfectionism and start taking action! You’ll learn so much more from doing and experiencing.

Want to feel more empowered and gain confidence in your business? Learn the 3 most common #fempreneur self-doubts & how to conquer them. 

Your business is created to help you multiply your work and what you believe in. You run your business, not the other way around!

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