Unveil The 5-Part Framework to Build A Killer Marketing Funnel That Works Every Time
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Here’s how most people start and set up their businesses:
Set up a website - check. Get a logo - check. Set up Facebook and Instagram - check. Then, they wait.
Now what? Most people wait for customers to come knocking on their doors and crossing their fingers hoping that every inquiry turns into sales, which unfortunately doesn’t in most cases.
I remember those early days years ago when we waited around for clients to come to us. And because we were told that we need to keep creating content consistently to build “trust”, so we ended up posting social media every day aimlessly, with no strategy or system. It was exhausting. Because we weren’t getting the sales we wanted, we ended up sounding pushy and sales-y, which was the last thing we wanted.
So, what finally changed the game for us and got us to consistent 5-figure months? Setting up a killer marketing funnel that works year-round.
If you want to have a clear, structured marketing plan that keeps attracting and converting strangers into customers, it’s time to take control of your marketing with this 5-part framework to build a killer marketing funnel:
#1 Know your people
Before you do anything marketing, you need to know who you are marketing to, speaking to, and selling to. Get crystal clear on your target audience who are the people you specialize in serving. Besides understanding their demographics, dive deep into their values, beliefs, struggles, challenges, headaches, and desires.
Need some help to identify your target customers? Click here to read the 3-Step Foolproof Formula to Quickly Identify Your Niche.
#2 Create a value-adding freebie
The number one thing you need to get people to buy from you is trust. And a simple way to establish trust from the moment when a stranger first discovers you is to provide something that they find valuable. Your value-adding freebie can be presented in many different forms, such as a checklist, a training video, a list of tips, livecast, promo code for your product or service, a free consultation, etc.
The important thing is that this freebie has to give them a quick solution or immediate satisfaction that they’ve been searching for, which reduces any doubts or fears they have and elevates their trust in you.
Looking for more ideas? Check out the Top 10 Types of High-Performing Content Marketing to Drive More Leads & Boost Conversions.
#3 Choose a channel to nurture leads
Select a platform or channel to keep connecting with your audience and leads. Use this channel to keep nurturing relationships, make them know, like, and trust you. This is a crucial step not only to turn your audience into customers, but also to keep in touch with your past customers, grow loyalty, keep you on top of their minds so they come back to you again and again, and even refer their friends to you.
Want to avoid marketing traps that drain your marketing budget? Here’s how to find the right marketing channels & tactics that are perfect for you.
#4 Create an offer people want
Create an offer that your target customers actually want. Pay attention to how they describe what they want and the specific language they use. Use surveys and polls to understand what they are looking for to create the perfect offer that they are excited to pay for. Get into the habit of listening to your audience and customers and keep refining and improving your products or services.
Click here to read, 6 Eye-Opening Ways to Make Your Offers So Attractive That People Simply Can’t Ignore You.
#5 Build A system to drive quality traffic consistently
Build a scalable and repeatable system to keep driving quality leads and attracting your target audience year-round. Show up where they already are consistently to keep turning strangers into customers.
Don’t want to pay for ads? Try these 3 foolproof ideas instead to triple your brand awareness & exposure.
Not seeing marketing results? Click here to find out the 6 big mistakes you might be making that are holding you back.
Ready to take this to the next level and massively increase your word-of-mouth marketing among your customers and clients? Uncover the 3 secrets to wow your customers and make a spectacular impression that people can't stop talking about.
Don’t forget tosave your seat at our FREE training, so you know how to grow your profitable brand people love AND a loyal customer community who keep buying from you!