How to Create Content Easily Even If Writing Makes You Pull Your Hair Out

women entrepreneur creating content without writing

To reach more people online, attract your target audience, and keep them engaged and interested, you need content.

(If you’re still wondering if content marketing is for your type of business, click here to find out if you need content marketing in 30 seconds.)

But you’re an entrepreneur and business owner, not a writer. And every time you think about writing, you get a massive headache. What then? How are you supposed to make content that attracts your audience and customers if writing isn’t your thing? 

If you don’t like writing and want to avoid it as much as possible but you still want to use content to build an engaged audience and grow your business online,

Here are a few strategies you can use to help you get started with content marketing and keep attracting potential customers and turning them into loyal, raving fans:

Choose a content format that is right for you & your audience

Besides writing and delivering your content through text, there are two other popular formats to deliver content — audio and video. Depending on what you feel comfortable with, choose the format feels natural and easy for you to create quality content consistently.

Once you decide which content format you will create, choose the right platform that will help you maximize your impact and reach.

For people who like writing, blogging is usually how they can best serve and build trust with their audience. If filming videos feels easier than writing to you, Youtube may be the platform for you to grow your audience. And if you prefer to share your knowledge and area of expertise in audio format, starting a podcast might be the way to go to grow your business.

Because your goal is to reach your audience and attract customers, when you choose which content format is right for you and which platform or tool you’ll use to share your content, it’s important to also consider where your target audience and customers go for information and how they like to consume content.

Are you still feeling confused about which marketing platform or tool to prioritize? Use this simple 3-step formula to find out what to focus on in your business next.

Make creating content simple & stop perfecting

If you enjoy creating content through video or audio, don’t let the idea of editing videos and audio hold you back. Take a short beginner course on Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare, to help you get started and use apps and tools to make editing simple for yourself.

Avoid getting into the hamster wheel of trying to make your content “perfect,” which holds you back from actually publishing your content and stops you from making new content.

Not moving on and taking steps forward because you want things to be perfect is one of the 5 most common entrepreneur pitfalls that are holding people back from growing their businesses. Make sure you avoid them so you don’t miss out on opportunities!

Looking for some help to overcome self-doubts? Check out the 3 most common self-doubts for entrepreneurs & how to conquer them.

Turn your recorded content into text

Turn your recorded content in audio or video format into text by transcribing it using tools like Rev, Transcribe, Sonix, Descript, and Happyscribe.

You can then turn your transcribed content from your audio or video into a blog post, an e-book, or a PDF downloadable file. Or you can repurpose the transcribed text and share it as bite-sized, shorter content on social media.

You can also turn your transcribed text into quote graphics or Instagram carousel Instagram posts to share on social media.

Here’s an example of how our podcast Interview was turned into a quote graphic and an Instagram carousel.

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olea-and-fig_stand out as a brand in the online space podcast promo_2

You can get free templates for quote graphics here and templates for Instagram carousel here on Canva.

Looking for a better system to make creating content simpler? Check out this fail-proof system to cure your content creation headaches once and for all.

Get a partner to create joint content with you

Want to split your writing workload? Get a partner or collaborator on board and create content together through an interview. Set up a video or audio call with the guest who is an expert in a topic your audience would be interested in, transcribe your interview, and edit the transcribed text to turn it into a blog post. With interview content, you aren’t responsible for coming up with the majority of the content because your interview guest will be the main person contributing to the topic. But it’s important that you ask relevant questions and prepare them ahead of time to pique your audience’s interest.

Get a guest writer to contribute content

Instead of you doing all the writing, find guest writers who specialize in topics relevant to your audience and business to contribute to your blog. This is a great way for your guest contributor and writer to reach people in your audience and build credibility, and for you to create more content without actually writing them yourself. On top of that, because your guest contributor will also share the post with his or her audience, you will get the opportunity to be seen by more people and grow your audience.

Hire help to create content

If you don’t have time to create content by yourself and have the budget to hire professional help, get content creators and copywriters to get all your writing done. You can find freelance writers on websites like Upwork and Fiverr. Before you hire, make sure you check out the 5 biggest hiring mistakes to avoid when scaling your small business, so you can save time and money wasted on a hire gone wrong!

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Click here to learn how to attract 100 people online who WANT to buy your stuff (without doing more on social media).