Not Seeing Results From Your Content? Avoid These Biggest Content Mistakes Business Owners Make
brand direction & styling by us for Erika Parker Photography | photo by Meg Sexton Photography
Are you feeling tired of runnning on the content creation treadmill?
Because content creators and online marketers say that to grow a business, businesses and brands have to keep creating fresh content to grow their audiences. So, most business owners find themselves spending an incredible amount of time taking photos, coming up with captions, and creating videos. And for some reason, no matter how many more hours they spend on creating content, they aren’t seeing the results and growth they expect from all the content they created.
Can you relate to these entrepreneurs? We could.
When we first started growing our business and building our brand online, we felt the pressure to have to keep up with what everyone else is doing - posting every day to stay relevant. And what ended up happening was that we were churning out content consistently, but they weren’t resonating with our audience nor attracting our target customers. All those hours we spent on content creation, completely wasted.
After this first unsuccessful attempt at content marketing, we set out to change that. Looking back, here are the mistakes we made and they also happen to be the biggest pitfalls that lead to failed content marketing for many businesses:
Mistake #1.
You're sharing what YOU want to talk about, not what your target customers are interested in. As business owners, we have a completely different set of context and knowledge compared to strangers online who have no idea about what you do. And because of this knowledge gap, we tend to share content that we think people need to know as opposed to what they want to know. And oftentimes, there is a disconnect.
To close this gap, make sure you are listening to your target customers’ pain points, challenges, desires, and how they describe them in their language. Put yourself in their shoes and create content that is catered to them specifically.
Mistake #2.
You're posting online to "stay present" because all the other businesses you see seem to be everywhere online across different platforms. This is also how most small businesses and new entrepreneurs feel. So, they make sure to post consistently, and sometimes even multiple posts or videos per day because some marketing gurus said so.
They end up with content that isn’t focused on specific topics and is generic and confusing, which doesn’t resonate with their target customers or align with their brands. And when people aren’t finding clear value in your content, they naturally unsubscribe or unfollow. So, focus on quality over quantity with your content, and stick to a publishing schedule that makes sense for your business.
Mistake #3.
You're focusing on increasing the number of likes and followers instead of converting people into customers. Without a holistic marketing strategy, these are vanity numbers that don’t lead to actual growth in your business. And when you don’t have a strategy to convert these people into paying customers, what is the point of growing an audience and spending all these hours creating content?
Take a break from focusing on individual social media tactics, and figure out your marketing strategy and how all the different marketing tactics you’re using are tied together. Read this post to unveil the 5-part framework to build a killer marketing funnel, and also learn the never-fail formula to build your winning marketing strategy. No more second-guessing!
Mistake #4.
You do not have repeatable systems in place to help you come up with interesting content topics that your audience loves. Without any template or formula, it can be difficult and time-consuming trying to create content from scratch every time.
Interested in creating more engaging, quality content without spending more hours? Learn the 3 surprisingly easy ways to find killer content ideas your audience craves and check out this fail-proof system to cure your content creation headaches once and for all.
Mistake #5.
You're wasting too much time on editing photos and making everything “pretty.” Being pretty does not sell, especially given that the online world is now saturated with curated feed and photos.
Instead of spending your hours editing each of your photos and graphics, create systems and templates to make the editing process as consistent and efficient as possible. Also, shift your focus from attracting any follower to connecting with your audience, boosting engagement and increasing warm leads.
Make sure you don’t make these most common mistakes that most business owners are making, so you can avoid the content creation treadmill and create content that brings you customers and business growth!
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