6 Proven Ways To Multiply High-Quality Referrals For Your Business
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What if you can get customer referrals effectively and naturally without sounding desperate?
Asking for referrals from customers can be annoying because you don’t want to sound like you are begging. And it feels worse when you don’t hear back because you start wondering if the customer is actually happy with his or her experience with you and if you’ve met their expectations.
However, compared to acquiring a new cold lead and having to convert them to a warm lead and then a customer, it costs much less to turn a referral into a customer. Because you and the referral already share mutual understanding and trust through the person who brings you the referral, it can be much easier to turn the referral into a customer.
If you want a different way to grow sales besides attracting them from the wild wild web and drive high-quality referrals, here are 6 proven ways you must know:
1. Ask at the right time
Create an email template for how you ask for customer referrals and add this workflow to your existing customer service process, typically towards the end of your service or product delivery, for standardization. This way, you and your team know exactly when you’d copy and paste the template and send out the referral request. You can even consider automating this email to make things even simpler.
2. Invite customers to follow you everywhere
Most entrepreneurs forget that not all customers follow their social media accounts or subscribe to their email newsletters. And what ends up happening is that once a customer made a purchase from a brand, the relationship often ends soon after because the customer isn’t staying in touch with the brand and the brand is quickly forgotten.
To make sure customers still get all the valuable updates from you, continue to grow trust, and keep you on the top of their mind, invite them to follow you on all the social media platforms you are on and join your newsletter. Your online content isn’t created only to attract new leads, but also to nurture existing relationships and grow both returning purchases and referrals.
3. Make it easy for people to refer
Make the referral process as easy as possible. Consider creating an online referral submission form or a simple referral forwarding code or link. The simpler and quicker it is, the more likely people are to help!
4. Create incentives
Motivate customers to refer a friend and for a referral to easily say, “yes,” to you by providing them incentives they want. These can be done through offering referral programs, discounts, bonuses, or exclusive access.
5. Think beyond customers
Besides getting referrals from customers, ask for referrals from other businesses that serve similar customers like yours. This is a great way to grow synergy together, drive businesses to each other, and build valuable partnerships. Keep in mind that these do not have to be businesses that are in the exact industry as you, but those that serve the same target customers.
6. Give referrals
You will receive when you give, and this is especially true when it comes to referrals. When you often refer people to your partners and clients, people take notice of your acts of kindness. In most cases, they will keep you on the top of their mind and will return the favor when the time comes.
Are you ready to up your referral game? Make sure you don’t only focus on getting new cold leads and let great sales opportunities from referrals go to waste!
Want to know how else happy customers drive the growth of your business besides bringing referrals, so you don’t miss these opportunities? Click here to unveil the eye-opening ways happy customers can put your business on steroids.
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